This course is since 2004 annually organised by the JRC and addresses the various aspects of nuclear safeguards and non-proliferation systems.
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Interested in nuclear energy safety?
Nuclear waste helps cancer patients. You find it hard to believe? Discover Targeted Alpha Therapy in this video.
The Joint Research Centre (JRC), in Karlsruhe, Germany, supports the development of medical applications of radioactive elements.
The actinide series of radioactive chemical elements are the backbone of nuclear fission technologies for electricity supply, with important applications in other strategic fields, from water management to space exploration and human health.
The Fuels and Materials Research (FMR) laboratory provides the scientific basis for the objective assessment and modelling of the safety-related behaviour of nuclear materials, with emphasis on nuclear fuels, under normal and off-normal operating conditions.
The Nuclear and Trace Analysis facility at the Joint Research Centre in Karlsruhe, Germany, consists of a set of installations for the chemical, physical and spectroscopic analysis of actinide and nuclear materials.
Nuclear forensics provides information on nuclear material of unknown origin that has been intercepted during illicit trafficking or nuclear smuggling.
The Large Geometry-Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (LG-SIMS) laboratory in Karlsruhe provides cutting-edge technology required for the environmental sample analysis for nuclear safeguards and non-proliferation.
The hot cell laboratory in Karlsruhe consists of hot cells (shielded nuclear radiation containment chambers) where highly radioactive materials can be received, handled, examined and returned to their owners.