Time to discover RECxploration, the new game that will introduce you to the world of renewable energy communities (RECs) and their contribution to a sustainable future.
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How do you see the future of electromobility, smart electricity grids and homes?
Interested in nuclear energy safety?
Look around to see how fuel cells and electrolysers are tested.
This tool provides information about solar radiation and photovoltaic system performance for large parts of the world.
Do you really know what happens behind that wall socket? Take this quiz to find out.
The bioeconomy already makes a strong contribution to the overall EU economy. It contributes close to 5% to the EU gross domestic product.
Water scarcity is a widespread issue in Africa. How can we improve energy access and food security without increasing water consumption?
ESTI is a European reference laboratory for the calibration of photovoltaic devices and for the verification of their energy generation.
What energy options do we have for a more sustainable future?