How do you see the future of electromobility, smart electricity grids and homes?
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Look around to see how fuel cells and electrolysers are tested.
Green sustainable energy and transport requires raw materials that may soon be in short supply. How critical is it?
What new developments in road transportation are on the horizon? Contribution to a policy debate at the European level.
Global supply and demand of lithium-ion batteries today and in the future.
Cobalt global supply and demand balances in the transition to electric mobility are due to become an issue.
Smart homes and communities are key components for energy transition in the future. Interoperability is about the ability to connect all elements in the system.
For future mobility, people-centred solutions must be promoted and implemented.
Integrating smart technology into our energy production infrastructure will change our lives and improve the security of Europe’s energy supply.
JRC scientists perform tests to determine the amount of key pollutants from the exhaust emissions that may pose a risk to human health and the environment.