Look around to see how fuel cells and electrolysers are tested.
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The African Union and the EU are developing strategic corridors to facilitate trade and mobility within Africa and between the two continents.
The Vehicle Market Surveillance Facilities carry out emissions and safety tests on cars placed on the EU market.
This state-of-the-art laboratory makes sure that vehicles entering the EU market comply with environmental and safety requirements.
When it comes to car safety, most people think of seat belts and airbags. But modern cars depend more and more on software, sometimes supported by Artificial Intelligence.
Fuel cells generate electricity through an electrochemical reaction involving hydrogen and oxygen atoms. This promising technology could help reduce CO2 emissions and is crucial to Europe's transition to green energy. See how our scientists develop fuel cell testing procedures and measurement methods.
The JRC Urban NO2 Atlas provides city factsheets to help design effective air quality measures to reduce nitrogen dioxide concentrations in European cities.
Green sustainable energy and transport requires raw materials that may soon be in short supply. How critical is it?
Human population is more concentrated than ever before. However, look at how many hours and sometimes days it takes to reach a major city from a remote area.
What new developments in road transportation are on the horizon? Contribution to a policy debate at the European level.