Search results (13)
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Take a look at the wide range of projects the Competence Centre on Participatory and Deliberative Democracy is working on to engage citizens in policymaking.
The Competence Centre on Microeconomic Evaluation aims to improve the EU policy process through ex-post causal evaluation and data-driven microeconomic analysis.
Cultural gems is a free, open-source web app to map cultural and creative places in European cities and towns. Join the community and share your favourite places!
We support the gender equality strategy and monitor its key dimensions: free from violence & stereotypes, thriving in a gender-equal economy, leading equally across society.
Composite indicators are powerful, practical tools that can help policymakers summarise complex and interdependent phenomena
The Competence Centre on Modelling promotes a responsible, coherent and transparent use of modelling to underpin the evidence base for EU policies
How lonely are Europeans? How come eastern and southern Europeans are lonelier and more socially isolated than western and northern Europeans?
Check out this online tool that uses data and research to help strengthen ties between Asia and Europe.
The answer may surprise you!
EU scientists compared the cultural vibrancy, creative economy and enabling environment of 168 European cities and they found some surprising results.