Browse a selection of aerial shots and maps of JRC facilities in Petten.
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Browse a selection of aerial shots and photos of JRC facilities in Karlsruhe.
Browse a selection of aerial shots of Joint Research Centre's facilities in Ispra.
Browse through the evolution of the JRC in a series of photographs spanning six decades.
Improving knowledge management and collaborative working is a priority for overcoming silos mentalities and creating synergies between portfolios.
Instead of being closely connected, science, politics and the people are more estranged than ever. How can we change that? Here are some proposals.
Nuclear forensics provides information on nuclear material of unknown origin that has been intercepted during illicit trafficking or nuclear smuggling
Are you the next talented researcher joining JRC? Discover how EU scientists contribute to create European regulations.
Solar scientists need a common reference to test solar panels. Solar scientists gather simultaneously every year in Sicily to calibrate the sun's strength.
The JRC Data Catalogue is a centralised, open-access inventory for data produced by our researchers and is available to all