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JRC Digital Media Hub
JRC Education and Training in nuclear safeguards and non proliferation

This course is since 2004 annually organised by the JRC and addresses the various aspects of nuclear safeguards and non-proliferation systems.


Clean up plan is ready, now we need to sit around the table to get it done together.  

With many different solutions, new safety issues arise. How to set the line between innovation and safety? It is a challenge for regulators.

Find out more on the Battery Testing Laboratory and take its virtual tour.

Science Area:

The European Cancer Information System (ECIS) brings together data so we can see where new solutions are needed to beat cancer.

Find out more on the European Cancer Information System.

Strategic corridors to improve Europe – Africa Connectivity

One major aim of the Global Gateway Africa – Europe Investment Package is to identify and support the creation of strategic, sustainable and secure transport corridors. By investing in the infrastructure needed to easily move from place to place, these ‘strategic corridors’ can support value chains, services and jobs, benefiting industries in both Africa and Europe. Discover what lies behind the 11 strategic corridors agreed upon at the EU-AU Summit in 2022.

Find out more on the EU-Africa: Global Gateway Investment Package. Read more about the Identification, characterisation and ranking of strategic corridors in Africa

The European Commission’s priorities:

The goal of the foresight process is to examine the European Union's existing strengths, areas for improvement, emerging challenges, and future opportunities for open strategic autonomy in the coming decades. The foresight analysis considers five areas: geopolitics, technology, the economy, the environment, and society.

Find out more on the Competence Centre on Foresight

The European Commission’s priorities:

Some industries are particularly energy-hungry: to build a sustainable society, we need these industries to have access to the right energy infrastructure. The Energy & Industry Geography Lab brings together a wealth of information to help policymakers, infrastructure planners, and industry make the right decisions for our economy and our planet.

Find out more on the Energy & Industry Geography Lab.

The European Commission’s priorities:
What is the Composite Indicators & Scoreboards Explorer?

Based on 20 years of experience and extensive collaboration with international organizations and world-class universities, the Explorer enables anyone without technical background to explore issues that matter in a visual and interactive way by bringing data from multiple sources into a single resource.

Find out more on the composite indicator and scoreboard explorer

The European Commission’s priorities:

We offer services and tools that support the development of socially conscious policies by making citizens' voices heard through participation. Come see how we support policymakers at all levels of government in the EU and offer public spaces where citizens can engage with cross-cutting topics such as mobility, biodiversity, energy, and many others.

Find out more on the Competence Centre on Participatory and Deliberative Democracy

The European Commission’s priorities:
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About JRC Digital Media Hub

JRC Digital Media Hub helps you easily discover how the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) scientific research and advice are linked to our daily lives in the European Union.
You can explore our vast collection of animations, infographics, games, videos, virtual tours and other media by any science topic or Commission Priority according to your interests.
We are proud to tell about EU Science and open our doors to you. We invite you to explore and share our engaging digital content.

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