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JRC Digital Media Hub

Culture and creativity in European cities

Culture and creativity play an important role in the sustainable and resilient growth of European cities.

The Cultural and Creative Cities Monitor is designed to help national, regional and municipal policy makers identify local strengths and opportunities and benchmark their cities against similar urban centres using both quantitative and qualitative data. It is an instrument to promote mutual exchange and learning between cities.

Find out more about the creativity of European cities

The European Commission’s priorities:

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About JRC Digital Media Hub

JRC Digital Media Hub helps you easily discover how the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) scientific research and advice are linked to our daily lives in the European Union.
You can explore our vast collection of animations, infographics, games, videos, virtual tours and other media by any science topic or Commission Priority according to your interests.
We are proud to tell about EU Science and open our doors to you. We invite you to explore and share our engaging digital content.

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