Visite virtuali

Queste visite virtuali interattive a 360º dei laboratori del JRC sono straordinarie! Permettono anche a chi non può visitare i laboratori di persona di scoprire cosa vi succede. Potete muovervi all’interno del laboratorio e attivare varie funzioni, come pannelli informativi, gallerie fotografiche e video.

European Commission JRC Visitors' Centre

Discover the wealth of independent research that has been conducted over the last 60 years.

Battery Testing Laboratory

EU scientists ensure that European citizens have access to battery products that are highly efficient, affordable, safe, sustainable, recyclable and globally competitive.

European Laboratory for Structural Assessment

JRC scientists research the effect of earthquakes on buildings and building materials.

European Microwave Signature Laboratory

Discover how EU scientists investigate how to prevent harmful electromagnetic interference on your portable devices, Wi-Fi access points and satellite navigation receivers.

Nanobiotechnology Laboratory

Discover how EU scientists contribute to reducing uncertainties about the potential impact of nanomaterials on health and the environment.

European Union Reference Laboratory for Food Contact Materials

Discover how EU scientists develop test methods and guidelines to protect our food from chemicals that could be transferred from the materials they come in contact with.

Water Laboratory

Discover how EU scientists characterise different types of water to examine if it contains chemicals released by human activities. 

Vehicle Emissions Laboratory

JRC scientists perform tests to determine the amount of key pollutants from the exhaust emissions that may pose a risk to human health and the environment.  

European Solar Test Installation

EU scientists research the factors influencing the cost effectiveness of solar technologies. 

High Pressure Gas Testing Facility

This facility is one of the few in Europe that carries out performance tests on high pressure tanks for hydrogen vehicle.

Nuclear Safeguards and Forensics Laboratory

Nuclear forensics provides information on nuclear material of unknown origin that has been intercepted during illicit trafficking or nuclear smuggling

Reference Material Production Laboratory

JRC is one of the major producers of reference materials worldwide

Take a virtual tour of the European Crisis Management Laboratory

JRC scientists develop  tools and technologies that  collect, analyse and make sense of a huge amount of information from various sources when disaster strikes.