Informazioni sul JRC
Il JRC partecipa a tutte le fasi del ciclo programmatico. Il suo lavoro orienta l'elaborazione di nuove iniziative politiche e proposte legislative, ma ne sostiene anche l'attuazione in stretta interazione con gli Stati membri, le parti interessate europee e i partner internazionali.

Knowledge and democracy – why evidence matters
Instead of being closely connected, science, politics and the people are more estranged than ever. How can we change that? Here are some proposals.

Science is everywhere
Do you know that science is all around you in your daily life? Science supports agriculture, energy, and environment and many more aspects of your everyday life.

We are doing science for policy
Scientific results help us to face today's and tomorrow's global challenges and are central for EU policymakers. It's our daily work at JRC!

Presenting the JRC
The Joint Research Centre is the European Commission's science and knowledge service. Our scientific research provides independent scientific advice and support to EU policy

Unlock the power of research data
The JRC Data Catalogue is a centralised, open-access inventory for data produced by our researchers and is available to all

Become an EU scientist
Are you the next talented researcher joining JRC? Discover how EU scientists contribute to create European regulations.

Science and knowledge management at the service of Europe’s citizens
In policymaking, the problem is no longer too little information or data, but that we have a lot and making sense of it all is challenging

JRC through the ages
Browse through the evolution of the JRC in a series of photographs spanning six decades.

Events at the JRC

Jobs at the European Commission's Joint Research Centre
A guide to working opportunities at the Joint Research Centre, the European Commission’s science and knowledge service

Megatrends Hub
A knowledge-management platform and an engagement tool for policymakers to help understand potential future developments and support forward-looking thinking.

Knowledge Week 2018
Brokering knowledge for policy.

EU4Facts Conference 2017
Highlights from the JRC annual forum 2017 in which leading experts from the fields of science, policy and media meet to discuss about the use of evidence in policy.