Scientific Directorates
The JRC draws on over 60 years of scientific work experience and continually builds its expertise based on its Directorates, which host specialist laboratories and unique research facilities. Discover this treasure through the photos.

Directorate for Nuclear Safety & Security
The Directorate implements the Joint Research Centre's Euratom Research and Training Programme and the maintenance and dissemination of nuclear competences in Europe.

Directorate for Growth and Innovation
The Directorate conducts research that provides socio-economic and techno-economic support for the conception, development, implementation and monitoring of EU policies.

Directorate for Space, Security & Migration
The Joint Research Centre works on disaster risk management, resilience for natural and man-made hazards, cybersecurity, data protection, and crime & terrorism prevention.

Directorate for Energy, Transport & Climate
The directorate on energy, transport and climate supports EU policies and technology innovation to ensure safe, efficient and sustainable energy and transport in Europe.

Directorate for Sustainable Resources
The Directorate provides research and support for EU policies related to the sustainable use of resources, encompassing environmental, economic and social dimensions.

Directorate for Health, Consumers & Reference Materials
The Directorate provides scientific and technical support for the protection of European citizens in the areas of food, consumer products, chemicals and public health.