Knowledge Centres
The JRC manages a number of Knowledge and Competence Centres in priority policy areas. The knowledge and competence centres facilitate knowledge management and promote new collaborative working methods.

Knowledge Centre for Territorial Policy
How can our regions, almost 300 in EU, be more competitive? The Knowledge Centre for Territorial Policies aims to turn challenges into opportunities.

An overview of the Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre
Improved understanding of disaster risk helps to build resilience and informed approaches to policymaking, thereby contributing to sustainable, smart and inclusive growth.

Knowledge Centre for Food Fraud and Quality
This Knowledge Centre produces and collates information in support of policymaking to ensure the authenticity and quality of food available in the EU.

Knowledge Centre for Disaster Risk Management
Gathering together communities dealing with disasters to manage disaster risk in a more coordinated way.

Knowledge Management for Policy
Improving knowledge management and collaborative working is a priority for overcoming silos mentalities and creating synergies between portfolios.

Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy
What if paints and detergents could be made from crops, algae could be turned into fuel and industrial by-products could be transformed into fertilisers?

Knowledge Centre for Food Fraud and Quality
Food fraud is the violation of EU food law with the intention to deceive consumers for financial gain.

Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography
What drives people to migrate? We analyse the refugee and migrant flows, routes and trends and the impact on our societies.

Knowledge Centre for Food and Nutrition Security
This Knowledge Centre supports the EU global commitment to end hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition.

Knowledge Centre on Cancer for a stronger EU health Union
Europe has a quarter of all cancer cases and with less than 10% of the world’s population, it is clear that cancer is a major threat to our society. It's time to control this disease.

Knowledge Centre for Biodiversity
We are becoming more and more dependent on our ecosystems, which are under increasing pressure from climate change and its related impacts.

Making the most of Europe's global eyes
The Knowledge Centre on Earth Observation makes sense of a wealth of data provided by the EU's satellites under the Copernicus program on the state and environment of our planet.