Faces of science
The JRC presents its Faces of Science series - showcasing the human face of the scientific advice supporting EU policy.

Ingrid Zegers - Blood Tests Reference Standards
Faces of JRC science

Elisa Pirovano - Linear Electron Accelerator facility (GELINA)
Faces of JRC science

Michele Vespe - Big data analytics and the Blue Hub
Faces of JRC science

Goedele Sibbens - Nuclear Data
Faces of JRC science

Peter Siegler - Nuclear Safety, Security & Safeguards
Faces of JRC science

Keith Cairns - GELINA Control Room
Faces of JRC science

Klaus Mayer - Nuclear Forensics
Faces of JRC science

Catherine Simoneau - Food Chemistry
Faces of JRC science

Rana Pant - Resource Efficiency
Faces of JRC science

Bert Saveyn - Economic Modelling
Faces of JRC science

Jutta Thielen - Hydro-Meteorology
Faces of JRC science

Paolo Peerani - Nuclear Detection
Faces of JRC science

Anne-Claire Thomas - Food Security
Faces of JRC science

Sara Maccaferri - Finance & Economy
Faces of JRC science

Sandra Caldeira - Children & Elderly Healthy Nutrition
Faces of JRC science

Flavio Bono - intelligent shipping containers
Faces of JRC science

Anjula Garg - Development Aid
Faces of JRC science

Jann Martinsohn - Genetics & Genomics
Faces of JRC science

Robert M'Barek - Agricultural Economics
Faces of JRC science

Neil Hubbard - Monitoring agricultural resources
Faces of JRC science

Maurice Whelan - Toxicological Testing of Chemicals
Faces of JRC Science

Arwyn Jones - Soil science
Faces of JRC science

Agnieszka Kinsner-Ovaskainen – Nanotechnology
Faces of JRC science

Ciarán Nicholl - Public health policy support
Faces of JRC science

Elisabetta Vignati - Air and Climate
Faces of JRC science

Alan Belward - Global Environment Monitoring
Faces of JRC science

Valérie Zuang - Alternatives to animal testing
Faces of JRC science

Simone Bizzi, JRC Scientist - Hydrology and Morphology of Rivers
Faces of JRC science

Enrico Pisoni - Air Quality Engineering
Faces of JRC science